Home / Recipes / Parsley Pan Fried Noodles

Photo of Parsley Pan Fried Noodles by Pushpa kannan at BetterButter

Parsley Pan Fried Noodles

Pushpa kannan
5 minutes
Prep Time
16 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Parsley Pan Fried Noodles RECIPE

A healthy menu for noodle lovers

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Bachelors
  • Pan Asian
  • Pan fry
  • Main Dish
  • Low Fat

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Parsley - 1 bunch
  2. Noodles - 1 packet
  3. Garlic- 2 pods finely chopped
  4. Green chilli - 1
  5. Salt- to taste
  6. Groundnut oil - 2 tbsps
  7. Cheese and pepper - For topping


  1. Boil noodles with salt until soft. Strain it and add cold water. Strain again and keep aside
  2. Grind parsley with a green chilli to a fine paste
  3. Take two tbsps of oil in a pan. Fry finely chopped garlic until transparent.
  4. Add the parsley paste and give it a toss. Add salt if required.
  5. Add the boiled soft noodles and pan fry it until dry.
  6. Remove from flame and serve it hot topped with grated cheese and pepper.

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Andrea Srivastava
Andrea Srivastava   Dec-08-2016

Nice noodles recipe !

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