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Photo of Leftover veggie pattie :satisfied::yum: by Shivani Pawar at BetterButter

Leftover veggie pattie :satisfied::yum:

Shivani Pawar
1 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Leftover veggie pattie :satisfied::yum: RECIPE

Easy to make nd great use of any leftover veggies rrally comes out great in taste :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::heart_eyes:

Recipe Tags

  • Veg

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 4 medium size boiled potaos
  2. 2 green chillies if u like spicy
  3. 1 bowl leftover any veggies but sure it should be mashed
  4. For binding i use 4 to 5 spoon rice flour easily u can make it at home just take some rice nd cousely grind it
  5. Salt as per ur taste
  6. Oil for shallow frying ur patties


  1. Take boiled potatoes grate itnd mix all ingredients but don't mix all rice flour
  2. Make the shape of patties I make round shape nd just tab in rice flour do this with all mixture finished
  3. Now put them in fridge atleast half an hour if u HAV time other wise u can make directly but make sure ur potatoes are completely cool
  4. After some time u can take out from fridge nd u can fry ur tikkis on medium flame after five mins u can see ur tikkis become brown flip it do it with all patties when u observe ur patties are brown from both sides ur patties are ready to serve best with daniya pudina chutney as well as tomato ketchup :satisfied:

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Hema Mallik
Hema Mallik   Apr-11-2018


latha nair
latha nair   Apr-11-2018

Easy & good recipe.

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