Home / Recipes / Nagpuri Vada Bhat (Traditional Vada rice of Nagpur)

Photo of Nagpuri Vada Bhat (Traditional Vada rice of Nagpur) by Sneha Marathe at BetterButter

Nagpuri Vada Bhat (Traditional Vada rice of Nagpur)

Sneha Marathe
60 minutes
Prep Time
60 minutes
Cook Time
8 People
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ABOUT Nagpuri Vada Bhat (Traditional Vada rice of Nagpur) RECIPE

Nagpuri vada bhat is a traditional rice dish of Nagpur. It has 3 components, Vada made from different sprouts and dals, Rice and spicy vagar on the top. (Phodni in Marathi). It tastes amazing and my grandma who stays in Nagpur used to make it for me in every summer vacation. I have very fond memories related to this dish.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Festive
  • Maharashtra
  • Frying
  • Main Dish

Ingredients Serving: 8

  1. For Vada -
  2. Split gram dal - 100g
  3. Bengal gram dal - 60g
  4. Red gram dal - 40g
  5. Lentils - 40g
  6. Black gram dal - 40g
  7. Rice - 40g
  8. Cumin seed powder - 2 tsp
  9. Coriander seed power - 2 tsp
  10. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
  11. Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
  12. Hing - 1tsp
  13. Curry leaves - 1 tbsp
  14. Oil for shortening - 50 ml
  15. Salt for taste
  16. Oil for frying
  17. For Rice -
  18. Basmati rice - 3 cups
  19. Water for cooking - 6 cups
  20. For Vagar -
  21. Oil (use the remaining oil after frying vadas for vagar. Here oil is saved and the vagar gets flavor of vadas)
  22. Mustard seeds - 1tsp
  23. Hing - 1tsp
  24. Turmeric - 1tsp
  25. Red chilli powder - 2tsp


  1. For vada -
  2. Soak the rice and all the pulses separately overnight.
  3. Next day, drain the pulses and grind coarsely. Do not make paste. Texture should be coarse.
  4. Add all the spices and curry leaves to the mixture.
  5. Heat the oil (for shortening) and add hot oil to the mixture.
  6. Mix well and form small vadas (balls).
  7. Fry in the oil till crispy and golden from outside.
  8. For Rice -
  9. Cook the rice in the water in rice cooker or open cooking. Make sure the rice grains remain separate after cooking. Rice shouldn't be sticky and pasty.
  10. Vagar -
  11. Heat the oil.
  12. Add mustard seeds and other spices in it. Fry for 2 mins till the spices release aroma.
  13. How to eat -
  14. Put rice on the plate. Crush some vadas in the rice and mix it. Add hot vagar from the top and mix again. Enjoy the delicious vada bhat.

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Shalini Dubey
Shalini Dubey   Jul-19-2016

Ive never heard of this, will surely give it a try :)

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