Home / Recipes / Potol posto or Parwal in poppy seeds gravy

Photo of Potol posto or Parwal in poppy seeds gravy by Paromita Nath at BetterButter

Potol posto or Parwal in poppy seeds gravy

Paromita Nath
45 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Potol posto or Parwal in poppy seeds gravy RECIPE

This dish is the easiest and one of the tastiest vegetarian dish, my Grandmom's speciality.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • West Bengal
  • Shallow fry
  • Sauteeing
  • Basic recipe

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Posto or Poppy seeds 100gm
  2. Parwal or potol 800gm
  3. Onion 2 chopped
  4. Potato 2
  5. Green chillies 2
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Turmeric powder 1.5tsp
  8. Sugar 1/2tsp
  9. oil for cooking


  1. Soak poppy seeds or posto in warm water for 2 hrs. Drain the water and make a paste smooth in mixy, add little water if needed.
  2. Peel the parwal or potol and cut it length wise each four pieces, wash them properly. Peel and cut the potato length wise just like the parwals ,wash them nicely. Marinate the Parwal and potatoes with a 1/2 a tsp salt and turmeric powder.
  3. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan, fry the chopped onions, add turmeric powder and the parwal and potatoes, fry them nicely, add salt, keep mixing, as you see it turning little brown, cover and cook for a few minutes until the parwal and potatoes soften. As they soften add sugar and the poppy seed paste or posto paste and mix well, add green chillies, mix the paste nicely over the parwals and potatoes, bring the flame to medium and stir, make sure it does not get burnt yet you get the smell of frying and see the color changing to little brown. Add little oil if needed, fry for few min until the oil separates from the sides.. Do not over fry or else it would get burnt... Serve hot with rice.

Reviews (2)  

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Geeti Barthakur
Geeti Barthakur   Jul-29-2016

very nice

Shereen Fatima
Shereen Fatima   Jul-13-2016

this looks like such an authentic bengali recipe! so nice

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