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Photo of Milky Rice Balls  by Swati Das Patnaik at BetterButter

Milky Rice Balls

Swati Das Patnaik
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
5 People
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ABOUT Milky Rice Balls RECIPE

This is my grandma's recipe I used to eat in my childhood, it is very delicious and easy to make.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Festive
  • Orissa
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 5

  1. Rice 250 gram
  2. Milk 1 litre
  3. sugar 1 cup
  4. Watet 1/2 cup
  5. Salt half tsp
  6. Cardamom powder, bay leaf


  1. Soak rice overnight. Next morning strain the water from rice and dry the rice well.
  2. Grind the rice to a moist powder form.
  3. Heat the water in kadai and then add salt.
  4. Then pour the rice powder and stir well to make a paste (avoiding forming lumps).
  5. When the dough cools down, roll into small balls.
  6. Heat and bring milk to a boil in a separate kadai.
  7. Add sugar, cardamom powder.
  8. When it boils completely.
  9. Put the rice balls and boil well till the milk thickens.
  10. Take it off the stove.
  11. Then garnish with coconut pieces.

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Veena Kalia
Veena Kalia   Jul-19-2016


Maithili Thangkhiew
Maithili Thangkhiew   Jul-11-2016

perfect dish for milk lover like me :)

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