Home / Recipes / Chana ke Dal in yellow curry

Photo of Chana ke Dal in yellow curry by Richa Anand Ajmani at BetterButter

Chana ke Dal in yellow curry

Richa Anand Ajmani
6 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
8 People
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ABOUT Chana ke Dal in yellow curry RECIPE

This is a quick recipe of chana dal, that can be served with rice or served as a curry with roti.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Punjabi
  • Main Dish
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 8

  1. 2 small katori Chana Dal washed nicely and soaked in water for 2 hours
  2. 1 onion finely chopped
  3. 2 tomato medium sized finely chopped
  4. 1 Green chilli chopped
  5. Salt according to taste
  6. Haldi half tea spoon
  7. Ghee 1 tsp
  8. 1 tsp jeera
  9. Pinch kali mirchi
  10. Dhaniya 2 tsp


  1. Take a cooker add Chana Dal with water add onion tomatoes and green chilli add little water.. Then add salt and haldi off the lid
  2. Then after two vessels off gas when pressure goes open d lid and cook the gravy add black pepper and coriander..
  3. And when gravy is done add in another pan ghee when hot add jeera put it on gravy and serve..

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Hema Mallik
Hema Mallik   Mar-07-2018

Simple yet delicious.

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