Home / Recipes / Khatti meethi Amla chutney

Photo of Khatti meethi Amla chutney by Pallavi Nayyar at BetterButter

Khatti meethi Amla chutney

Pallavi Nayyar
10 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
10 People
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ABOUT Khatti meethi Amla chutney RECIPE

It is a different version of eating bitter amlas. It is difficult to eat them raw so i try to make it a yummy chutney so that everyone enjoy it. Amlas boosts your immunity and rich in vitamin C.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Indian
  • Accompaniment
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 10

  1. Amla steamed 1 kg
  2. Jaggery 600 gm
  3. Sugar 200 gm
  4. Vinegar 4 tablespoon
  5. Panch phoran masala 3 teaspoon
  6. Salt 5 tablespoon or to taste
  7. Red chili powder 2 tablespoon


  1. Deseed all amlas and cut into slices.
  2. Now put all pieces in a mixer and mash it. Heat a pan and add mix of amlas and stir constantly.
  3. After 5 mintues add jaggery and let it melt. After this add sugar and mix well.
  4. Add all masalas and stir constantly when it starts leaving surface your chutney is ready.
  5. Keep the flame off and let it cool. Add vinegar and mix properly.
  6. Store it in clean and airtight container. Your chutney is ready .

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Maithili Iyer
Maithili Iyer   Feb-01-2018

Nice recipe.

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