Home / Recipes / Avarampoo Tea | Tanner's Cassia tea

Photo of Avarampoo Tea | Tanner's Cassia tea by Babitha Costa at BetterButter

Avarampoo Tea | Tanner's Cassia tea

Babitha Costa
5 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
1 People
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ABOUT Avarampoo Tea | Tanner's Cassia tea RECIPE

This tea is one of the best substitutes for caffeinated drinks and is full of antioxidants. Tanner's Cassia tea hydrates the body and also good for diabetic patients as it helps to control sugar.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Indian
  • Boiling
  • Hot Drink
  • Diabetes

Ingredients Serving: 1

  1. Dried avaram poo- 4-6
  2. Cardamom-3
  3. Palm candy- 2 tsp (adjust)
  4. Water


  1. Take the flower from the stem.Clean and dry it in the hot sun until crispy.
  2. Heat water, add dried flowers, cardamon and allow it to boil.
  3. Meanwhile, crush palm candy if it is rocky.
  4. When the tea has reduced a bit switch off and strain.
  5. Add crushed palm candy, mix and serve immediately.

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Manju Gupta
Manju Gupta   Jan-29-2018

Nice one.

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