Home / Recipes / Basella/ poi seeds stir fry.

Photo of Basella/ poi seeds stir fry. by Nahida Akter at BetterButter

Basella/ poi seeds stir fry.

Nahida Akter
5 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Basella/ poi seeds stir fry. RECIPE

Basella-poi seeds fry .(poi it is also known Malabar seeds) it is a dish of low calories but high nutrients.u can make this healthy dish easily with few ingreadents.it would be a bingo food of taste and multiple nutritions. It neutralise free radicals and cure cancer.this food will provide you calcium and magnesium that would develop healthy bone of it entire family.basella seeds contain B- caratene, zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin - A, vitamin-C,contains antioxidant.it protects aging and blemishing skin.it nourishes eyes.its hi fibre improvs digestion, boost detoxification.it is very good for optimum whole cardiovascular health.so try this recipe.eat good.feel good.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • West Bengal
  • Stir fry
  • Side Dishes
  • High Fibre

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Basella seeds. 1&1/2 cup
  2. Chopped onion. 2 tbs
  3. Minced garlic. 1/2 tbs
  4. Coriander powder. 1/2 tsp
  5. Cumin seeds. 1/2 tsp
  6. Veg oil. 1&1/2 tbs
  7. Salt. 1&1/2 tsp
  8. Green coriander leaves. 1/2 cup


  1. Loosen Basella seeds from stem.keep some with stem. Wash Basella seeds thoroughly.
  2. Add one hand full of basella-poi leaves with it.
  3. Choose an spread& open pan that u can stir basella-poi very easily.and it wouldn't loose colour.
  4. Pour oil in a non sticky heavy pot.wjen oil bubbles add minced garlic.
  5. Make a stir.when garlic gets brown colour add onion.
  6. Stir well.untill onions gets golden brown colour.
  7. Add 1/2 tbs water.stir well. Add coriander powder and cumin powder.stir again.
  8. Now turn flame medium.add basella-poi seeds.sprinkle salt over it.
  9. Stir constantly.after five minutes add basella-poi leaves.stir again.
  10. After adding basella-poi seeds don't change flame.keep it constant.untill it cooked.otherwise basella-poi will lose it green colour.
  11. Spread green coriander leaves over it.
  12. When it is done turn off heat.
  13. Serve hot with rice or roti or idli or dosa as to your taste.
  14. Basella-poi seeds fry would be crispy & juicy.then u will get its authentic taste.

Reviews (2)  

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Manju Gupta
Manju Gupta   Jan-29-2018

Tasty as well as healthy.

Nurul Kabir
Nurul Kabir   Jan-28-2018


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