Home / Recipes / Vanila flavour Bottle Gourd halwa

Photo of Vanila flavour Bottle Gourd halwa by Nikki Shrotriya at BetterButter

Vanila flavour Bottle Gourd halwa

Nikki Shrotriya
119 minutes
Prep Time
60 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Vanila flavour Bottle Gourd halwa RECIPE

This recipe give u a new flavour.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • UP
  • Sauteeing
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Bottle gaurd 1 kg
  2. Mava 250 grm
  3. Milk 1 cup
  4. Vanila drops 10-15
  5. Suger 300 grm
  6. Dry coconut half cup
  7. Dry fruits
  8. Cardmom pwdr 1 tspn
  9. Pure ghee 1 tblspn


  1. First wash the bottle gourd.nd peel it.great the bottle gourd.
  2. Nd drain all the water from the bottle gourd with the help of hand.
  3. Now take a heavy bottom pan.put on the gas.
  4. Heat the ghee in pan.add bottle gourd nd stir well on sim flame.when it begin to change color add the milk.nd boil it in the milk nd cover it for 10-15 mnt.
  5. Now check if the bottle gourd become soft remove the lid.
  6. Now add mava suger vanila drops crdmom pwdr nd mix well.when all water will heat mix the dryfruits.
  7. Spread the dry coconut.when it become cool serve it.

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Ruchi Gaur
Ruchi Gaur   Dec-29-2017


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