Home / Recipes / whole wheat Burger Buns

Photo of whole wheat Burger Buns by sonu nawani at BetterButter

whole wheat Burger Buns

sonu nawani
180 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT whole wheat Burger Buns RECIPE

very healthy and soft buns

Recipe Tags

  • Egg-free
  • Easy
  • Others
  • Goa
  • Baking
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. whole wheat flour 3 cups
  2. Dry instant yeast 1 1/2 teaspoon
  3. Milk powder 2 tablespoon
  4. Salt 1 1/2 teaspoon
  5. Butter 2 tablespoon
  6. Warm milk 1 cup
  7. Warm water 1 cup


  1. Mix all the dry ingredients together
  2. Then add milk half at a time
  3. Then add milk half at a time.. at this time if you feel it needs more liquid then add little more water
  4. Now knead the dough for 12 to 15 minutes till gluten develops in the dough
  5. Now oil a bowl and oil the dough too and keep it in a warm place for first proofing for abt 1 hr or till it doubles in size
  6. Once doubled put the dough on a surface and punch out the gas and make a neat bun and line them in a baking tray
  7. Once all buns are lined up brush sm milkwash on them and sprinkle some sesame seeds on them and keep it for second proofing for abt 30 minutes
  8. Preheat the oven at 180 for 10 minutes and put the tray in and bake it for 30 minutes
  9. If you feel they are getting too brown then cover the buns with a foil and remove the foil for last 5 to 7 minutes of baking and brush butter on the buns and again let them bake for remaining 5 minutes for them to get beautiful golden hue
  10. Once done put them on a cooling rack and cover them with a damp cloth to retain moisture in them
  11. Now you can enjoy your freshly baked buns any way you like
  12. Happy baking

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Astha Gulati
Astha Gulati   Oct-13-2017

Can we add curd to this?

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