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Photo of Amruthaballi leaves dose.. by Usha Bhat at BetterButter

Amruthaballi leaves dose..

Usha Bhat
180 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Amruthaballi leaves dose.. RECIPE

The herb amruthaballi is boon for mankind.The name amruitha is titled for its excellent healing and medicinal properties signifying it gives life back. The climbing shrub spreads exentensively with greyish white stem and heart shaped leaves mostly grown in tropical of India and shi lanka.Guduchi or giloy anthor name.The compounds filled in the fresh herb are anti-diabetic,purifies blood ,reduces bad cholesterol,antioxidant,improves liver functioning and antimicrobial in nature.I prepare dose .it is very tasty.

Recipe Tags

  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Karnataka
  • Main Dish
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Giloy leaves....10
  2. Rice....1 cup
  3. Greenchilly....3
  4. Cumin seeds...1 spoon
  5. Ghee...2 spoon
  6. Salt...


  1. Wash and soak rice about 3 hours
  2. Take giloy leaves (clean it),greenchilly and cumin seeds in a pan & fry it with ghee.
  3. Next ,griend it with salt & soaked rice.
  4. Make this grinded mixture as a neerudosa batter.
  5. Pour this on tava & cook .ready to amruthaballi dosa.
  6. Serve with chutney
  7. This is amruthaballi

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Seema Sharma
Seema Sharma   Oct-10-2017

Nice one.

Runa Ganguly
Runa Ganguly   Oct-08-2017

Can we get the leaves easily in the market?

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