Home / Recipes / Quinoa Saute Salad

Photo of Quinoa Saute Salad by Poonam Kothari at BetterButter

Quinoa Saute Salad

Poonam Kothari
10 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Quinoa Saute Salad RECIPE

A power packed salad for good health and nutrition.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Italian
  • Sauteeing
  • Salad
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Quinoa - 1 Bowl
  2. Bell peppers - yellow, red, green, roughly chopped - 1/2 Cup
  3. Zucchini - 1/2 Bowl, chopped
  4. Herb butter - 1tsp (I have used Amul)
  5. Chili flakes - 1/2 tsp
  6. Oregano - 1/2 tsp
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Mushrooms, chopped (optional} - 1/4 Cup


  1. Boil quinoa in one glass of water for ten minutes. Cover and keep aside.
  2. In another pan add herb butter and saute mushrooms, add zucchini and bell peppers. Mix and add salt. Give it a stir.
  3. Add oregano, chilly flakes, then add the boiled quinoa. Give it a good mix and serve.

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