Home / Recipes / Milk curry pasta


Milk curry pasta

Aanya Gupta
30 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Milk curry pasta RECIPE

It's really delicious

Recipe Tags

  • Festive Fun
  • Veg
  • Kids Birthday
  • Italian
  • Frying
  • Snacks

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Pasta 250gm
  2. Onion 2 medium size
  3. Oil 2 tablespoon
  4. Tomato 2 medium size
  5. Capsicum 1
  6. Mushroom 5 to 6 pieces
  7. Milk 1 glass
  8. Cream 50gm
  9. salt as per taste
  10. Chat masala 1 Teaspoon
  11. Pasta masala 2 teaspoon
  12. Vinegar 3 tablespoons
  13. Green chillies sauce 1 tablespoons


  1. First of all we will take water in pan and add some salt to boil.
  2. Now add pasta in boiling water
  3. After boiling it we will wash it with cool water and left it to cool
  4. Now chop all the vegetables
  5. Take another pan for frying it
  6. Turn the flame on and add some oil
  7. First of all we will add onion and saute it
  8. Then add rest of the vegetables to fry
  9. Now we add Pasta masala and chat masala
  10. Add cream to this pury
  11. Now add pasta and saute it for 5 min.
  12. Add the vinegar and saute it for 2 min.
  13. Now add green chillie sauce in this
  14. At the end we will add milk and saute it for 5 min. And turn the flame off

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Diksha Wahi
Diksha Wahi   Apr-03-2017

sounds awesome! Please share a image of this dish :)

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