Home / Recipes / Loving Cake in Glass

Photo of Loving Cake in Glass by Abhi Jain at BetterButter

Loving Cake in Glass

Abhi Jain
15 minutes
Prep Time
3 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Loving Cake in Glass RECIPE

A quick easy to make dessert for the special one

Recipe Tags

  • Valentine's Day
  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Whisking
  • Baking
  • Microwaving
  • Chilling
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. All purpose flour 6 tablespoon
  2. Choco powder 1 teaspoon
  3. Sugar 1 tablespoon or as per taste
  4. Nutella spread 1 teaspoon
  5. Buttermilk 20-30 ml
  6. Oil 2 + 1 teaspoon to grease
  7. Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon
  8. Baking soda a pinch
  9. Icing sugar 100 grams
  10. Whipping cream 100 grams
  11. Vallina essence few drops
  12. strawberry 4
  13. Mint leave to decorate


  1. Keep Whipping cream, a big bowl and wisker in fridge to cool for 30 mins
  2. In a bowl sift all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder, sugar. Mix them well.
  3. Add Nutella spread, buttermilk and oil in dry ingredients and mix well. Make sure there are no lumps.
  4. Grease two glasses (cocktail glass looks best) with some oil/butter. Divide the cake batter equally in both the glasses.
  5. Tap lightly so that air bubbles can settle down
  6. Put glasses in microwave for 2 minutes at high temperature. Do the toothpick test, if it doesn't come out clean, let it cook in microwave for another minute.
  7. Take out the bowl, wipping cream and whisker from fridge. Put 2-3 drops of vanilla essence. Wisk cream till lightly fluffy, add icing sugar (as per taste) spoon by spoon and keep wishing till peaks are formed.
  8. Take the Whipping cream in piping bag with your choice of nozzle and decorate the cake in glass once its cooled.
  9. Cut strawberry thin slices without cutting it till the end. Flatten them out a little to spread out the slices and place it in one side of the glass. Same can be done for opposite side of the glass or else strawberry can be cut in rose like style and put it in center.
  10. Garnish with a fresh mint leave.
  11. Tada, serve chilled.

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Preeti Gurung
Preeti Gurung   Feb-28-2017

Wow cake in a glass!

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