Home / Recipes / Vanilla and Sweet Basil seed Panacotta with Mango base

Photo of Vanilla and Sweet Basil seed Panacotta with Mango base by Neelima Katti at BetterButter

Vanilla and Sweet Basil seed Panacotta with Mango base

Neelima Katti
10 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
10 People
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ABOUT Vanilla and Sweet Basil seed Panacotta with Mango base RECIPE

‘Panna cotta’ in Italian means “cooked cream". A basic recipe of cream cooked with sugar and eggs has been modified and ‘Indianified’ in infinite ways to suit our variety loving palates. My simple variation in this, along with pairing with mango is adding basil seeds/ sabja.The basic recipe has been adapted and modified from monsoonspice.com

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Dinner Party
  • Italian
  • Simmering
  • Boiling
  • Chilling
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 10

  1. Ingredients for Vanilla layer:
  2. Milk (preferably full fat)- 1 cup
  3. Heavy cream- 1/2 cup (I used amul fresh)
  4. Granulated sugar- 1/4 cup (increase/decrease according to taste preference)
  5. Seeds from vanilla pod/ vanilla essence- 1 teaspoon
  6. Sweet basil seeds/ Sabja- 2 tablespoons soaked in 1 cup of water
  7. Agar agar flakes- 2 and 1/2 tablespoons (powder and then measure)
  8. Hot water- 1/2 cup for soaking agar + 1/2 cup for boiling and dissolving agar
  9. Ingredients for Mango base:
  10. Mango pulp (strained)- 1 cup (roughly from two mangoes)
  11. Heavy cream- 1/4 cup
  12. White granulated sugar/ brown sugar/ Jaggery- 1/4 cup (increase/decrease according to taste preference)
  13. Optional flavourings- cinnamon/ cardamom/ saffron, etc ( I used soaked saffron strands)
  14. Agar agar lakes- 2 and 1/2 tablespoons (powder and then measure)
  15. Hot water- 1/2 cup for soaking agar + 1/2 cup for boiling and dissolving agar


  1. Method for preparing the vanilla base:
  2. Soak the powdered agar agar in 1/2 cup of hot water.
  3. Heat cream and milk in a thick bottomed pan, keep stirring to prevent the burning of cream. Add sugar and continue stirring till it dissolves.
  4. Slit the vanilla pod longitudinally and scrape the seeds from its wall or you can add a teaspoon of vanilla essence, mix it well and turn off the flame.
  5. In another bowl, boil 1/2 cup water, add the soaked agar and boil till the agar dissolves completely. When the agar and cream mixtures are warm and at the same temperature, mix them well together.
  6. Add a few teaspoons of soaked basil seeds and use a whisk to make a uniform mixture.
  7. Pour them into greased moulds upto half of their level, tap mildly to remove air bubbles. Allow it to set in the refrigerator.
  8. Method to prepare the mango layer:
  9. Soak the agar agar in 1/2 cup of hot water.
  10. Mix the mango puree and cream together, cook till the mixture just starts to boil. Add sugar/ brown sugar/jaggery and mix well till it dissolves.
  11. Cooking the mango is an essential step, as the enzyme in the uncooked mangoes deactivate the gelling qualities of agar.
  12. Add any flavourings of choice- cinnamon/ cardamom/ saffron. (I used soaked saffron strands for enhanced colour and flavour.)
  13. Turn off the flame and allow the mixture to cool down a bit, till its warm.
  14. Prepare agar in the same way as above. Once it becomes warm and is at the same temperature as mango mixture, mix in the agar with mango mixture, take out the moulds from the fridge and pour the mixture over the vanilla layer.
  15. Tap mildly to remove any air bubbles.
  16. Allow the panacotta to set for few hours, preferably over night and serve it chilled.

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Sukhmani Bedi
Sukhmani Bedi   Aug-25-2016


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