Home / Recipes / Sprouted green gram, ragi, pearl millet roti

Photo of Sprouted green gram, ragi, pearl millet roti by Surya Rajan at BetterButter

Sprouted green gram, ragi, pearl millet roti

Surya Rajan
5 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Sprouted green gram, ragi, pearl millet roti RECIPE

Healthy kids recipe

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kids Recipes
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Ragi one cup
  2. Green gram 1 cup
  3. Pearl millet one cup
  4. Salt
  5. Wheat flour one cup
  6. oil


  1. Wash the grains and soak it in water for 6 hours
  2. Drain water and put it in a hot pack for 12 hours
  3. We will get sprouted grains
  4. Dry it under sun or fan for 3 hours
  5. Dry roast on low flame for 5 minutes to remove excess moisture
  6. Grind the grains separately to make fine powder
  7. Seive it
  8. For one cup ragi flour (green gram, pearl millet) add 1 cup wheat flour
  9. Add salt required water oil to make a dough
  10. Roll out like chapati
  11. Put it in a hot tawa add little oil and cook it on both sides

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