Home / Recipes / Bean brownie bundat cake

Photo of Bean brownie bundat cake by Divya Konduri at BetterButter

Bean brownie bundat cake

Divya Konduri
60 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Bean brownie bundat cake RECIPE

This is very irresible dish ...very tasty and comfortable to eat this cake

Recipe Tags

  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Beans 80gms
  2. Purpose flore 150 gms
  3. Baking powder 1tsp
  4. Baking soda 1tsp
  5. Milk 1cup
  6. Butter 40gms
  7. Venila half tsp
  8. Sugar 120gms
  9. Condense milk 1cup
  10. Butter 40gms
  11. Coco powder 2 tsp
  12. Drifruit pieces 1cup
  13. Venila frost cream :: venila essence half tsp
  14. Icing sugar 1cup
  15. Whipped cream 1cup
  16. For decoration::dark chocolate pieces 1cup
  17. Cherries 1cup
  18. Sugar sprinkles for sprinkle on cake 1tsp


  1. Take a bowl put beans wash and pour water to soak overnight then transfer cooker wait for 3 to 4 vissles
  2. Strain water put into a bowl
  3. Smash nicely make a fine paste
  4. Once get fine paste add flore filter it add baking powder,baking soda,coco powder on along with flore
  5. Then add Greek yogurt,sugar , condense milk on it mix well as lumpfree cake batter
  6. Once it's mixed well free loosen batter add chopped drifruit pieces on batter transfer the cake mould add drifruit pices on it
  7. Place cake tray om preheated oven set temperature 220 degree@30mins
  8. Then check it once it leaves toothpick fully bake turn up cake on to a plate
  9. Mean while venila frost cream::take a deep mouth bowl put icing sugar,wippcream ,venila essence beat not yet icing cream just for frosting flowing down like ..
  10. Take. A cake pour cream on top garnish with chocolate pieces,with cherry sugar sprinkle on cream
  11. Keep this cake in refrigerator 10 to 20 mins then cut pieces ready to serve

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