Home / Recipes / Saffron Pistachios Buns

Photo of Saffron Pistachios Buns by Swathi Joshnaa Sathish at BetterButter

Saffron Pistachios Buns

Swathi Joshnaa Sathish
180 minutes
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Saffron Pistachios Buns RECIPE

Saffron is one widely used ingredient during winters. These pistachios stuffed saffron sweet buns smells and tastes juat heaven. Enjoy these softy , flavorful warm buns with a cup of hot beverage .

Recipe Tags

  • Scandinavian
  • Non-veg
  • Easy
  • Others
  • Baking
  • Breakfast and Brunch
  • Low Fat

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Saffron milk :
  2. Hot milk 1/4 cup
  3. Saffron 1/4 gram
  4. For the yeast dough :
  5. Plain flour 1 cup + extra for dusting
  6. Powdered sugar 3 tablespoons
  7. Kosher salt a pinch
  8. Dry active yeast 3/4 teaspoon
  9. Lukewarm milk 3 tablespoons
  10. sugar 1 tablespoon
  11. Egg 1 + extra for egg wash
  12. Butter unsalted melted 2 tablespoons
  13. Pistachios chopped 1/2 cup


  1. Add saffron in 1/4 cup hot milk . Give it a stir. Cover and set aside for an hour so that saffron gets infused well in the milk.
  2. In another bowl , take 3 tablespoons lukewarm milk . Add the yeast and a tablespoon sugar. Dissolve sugar and yeast in milk . Cover and set aside for 10 minutes for the yeast to bloom .
  3. In a wide bowl , sift in the flour .
  4. Add salt .
  5. Add in the powdered sugar.
  6. Mix well .
  7. Make a well in the centre of the flour . Pour in the saffron infused milk .
  8. Add in the yeast milk .
  9. Add the beaten egg .
  10. Combine all the ingredients.
  11. Knead into a dough . Intially dough will be sticky .
  12. Add the melted butter .
  13. Keep kneading the dough giving a front amd back movement for 10 minutes . Dust extra flour if required.
  14. By this time, dough would have turned supple , pliable and smooth .
  15. Grease the dough with leftover butter .
  16. Cover dough and set aside for 60 to 90 minutes or until doubled in size . Keep warm place .
  17. Take the doubled in size dough on a flour dusted counter. Knock the air out from the dough and knead again for another 5 to 7 minutes .
  18. Divide the dough into equal small sized balls .
  19. Flatten each balls and stuff a tablespoon chopped pistachios inside each balls. Give a shape of buns . Transfer buns to a parchment lined baki ng tray .
  20. Cover the buns and set aside for 30 minutes for the final proofing.
  21. Preheat oven for 10 minutes at 180 C .
  22. After 30 minutes. Egg wash the buns and bake the buns in a preheated oven for 18 minutes or until golden .
  23. Saffron Pistachios Sweet Buns are ready.
  24. Take the baked buns out from the oven . Bring them to warm .
  25. Too soft and yum they are .
  26. Serve immediately .
  27. Always cool the buns completely before storing in air tight boxes.

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