Home / Recipes / Chettinad vendakkai mandi

Photo of Chettinad vendakkai mandi by Adaikkammai Annamalai at BetterButter

Chettinad vendakkai mandi

Adaikkammai Annamalai
10 minutes
Prep Time
45 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Chettinad vendakkai mandi RECIPE

Malayisa* I like this vendakkai mandi , not a typical puli kulambhu but its very simple to make and I like its simple flavor a lot. Paruppu Urundai and this Vendakkai Mandi is very famous in Chettinad cooking. It gets the name mandi because tamarind is soaked in washed rice water. This can be mixed with curd rice, sambar or any main dish. You can see this in marriage food. I actually like it as main kulambhu too. I like to mix it with white rice and eat.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Sauteeing
  • Side Dishes
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. Fir saute;
  2. Vendakkai / Ladysfinger / Okra - 1 1/2 cup
  3. Small Onion - 1 cup
  4. Garlic - 8
  5. Tomato - 1
  6. Tamarind( small size) - lemon size(soak in rice washed water)
  7. Salt to taste
  8. For tempering;
  9. Oil - 2 tsp
  10. Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
  11. Fenugreek seed - 1/4 tsp
  12. Urad dal - 1/2 tsp
  13. Jeera - 1 1/2 tsp
  14. Curry Leaves - as per requirement
  15. Dry red Chillies - 5
  16. Green Chillies,long slit - 5


  1. Heat oil in a pan, add ladies finger/okra/vendakkai saute, stir fry for 15 min till it turns shrinkly, Keep aside alone
  2. a pan add oil, to this do the seasoning tempering mentioned above. Then saute garlic,onion, salt for some time. Then to this add already stir fry ladys finger for few mins
  3. Now take tamarindpiece and soak the rice washed water that means wash the rice and add this water to tamarind piece. This is called mandi in chettinad side.
  4. Then add tomato and let it cook for 2 mins. When the ladys finger is half cooked add the tamarind pulp. Ad tamarind pulp with of using filter, it cook till the raw smell from tamarind is gone .It needs 20 mins.
  5. Now serve this with white rice or with curd rice or main kulambhu. Tasty, spicy vendakkai/ladys finger/okra mandi is ready
  6. Finally you want thick , add 2 tsp of corn flour , mix well with water add mandi without any lumpss.
  7. Serve with rice

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Hema Mallik
Hema Mallik   May-18-2018

I will surely try this.

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