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Photo of Rice chilla by Foram Kotak at BetterButter

Rice chilla

Foram Kotak
5 minutes
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Rice chilla RECIPE

You can re-use your left over rice.. By making good breakfast..

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Tiffin Recipes
  • Shallow fry
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Besan 1 Cup
  2. Boiled rice 1 cup
  3. Kassori methi 1 table spoon
  4. Salt as per taste
  5. Termaric powder 1 tea spoon
  6. Chilli powder 1 tea spoon
  7. Chopped onion 1 table spoon
  8. Oil 1 table spoon


  1. Take bowl. Add chopped onion, Besan and rice..
  2. Add turmeric powder, salt as per taste and chilli powder.
  3. Mixed it well. Add little bit water to make hard batter.
  4. Now take nonstick pan.. Greese it with oil.. And shallow fry it by using batter..
  5. For put that batter... use table spoon.. N. Make proper round shaped of it.
  6. Shallow fry it both the sides.
  7. Serve with ketchup or tea.

Reviews (3)  

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Betty Nieves
Betty Nieves   Apr-17-2022

Wow this is much tastier than I expected))) Best of all, this dish is very quick to make. It's just right for me. I work at a popular essay writer service https://writemyessay.nyc and I am woefully short on time. Today my friend and I stopped by my house after work and I made rice chilla and delicious fruit tea. Thank you for a wonderful evening)))

Maithili Iyer
Maithili Iyer   Jan-17-2018


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