Home / Recipes / Andaman's Special Richi Rich

Photo of Andaman's Special Richi Rich by Ramit Ghai at BetterButter

Andaman's Special Richi Rich

Ramit Ghai
10 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Andaman's Special Richi Rich RECIPE

This is Andaman's special richi rich halwa, rich in flavour, full of fruit with a blend of walnut and paan, yummy and delicious, may be of ur choice, my secret ingredient here is homemade tomato pulp and readymade tomato puree both used together.

Recipe Tags

  • Medium
  • Christmas
  • Simmering
  • Microwaving
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Milkmaid 100gm
  2. Dessicated powder 100gm
  3. 2 Readymade paan for decorating and 1 leaf of paan to be mixed in halwa
  4. Gulukand 100gm
  5. Tomato 1 blanched
  6. Kiwi 1 finely chopped
  7. Banana 1 finely chopped
  8. Silver balls for decorating
  9. Kesar strands for decorating
  10. Mix dryfruit for decorating but maximum walnut will use
  11. Sugar 1 tablespoon
  12. Readymade Tomato puree 1/4 of the box
  13. Elachi powder 1/4 teaspoon
  14. Honey 1 teaspoon (optional)


  1. Firstly take a tomato and keep in microwave for 2 minutes at 100% high power after that take out and blanch it well (means take out the tomato skin and then puree it in a mixer, strain and take out the tomato pulp, keep aside
  2. Secondly take a kadai or wok, put the readymade tomato puree and homemade blanched tomato pulp together add 1 tablespoon sugar to it and heat well till sugar caramelizes, cook for 7 to 8 minutes on sim flame
  3. Thirdly add chopped kiwi and banana to it, mix well
  4. Now add milkmaid plus dessicated coconut powder plus chopped paan leaf to it,mix well,cook on sim flame for 5 minutes
  5. Lastly add gulukand,mixed dryfruits specially walnut to it and elachi powder,mix all well,at this time off the gas flame
  6. Decorate the serving plate with stuffed paan and rose petals,serve hot garnished with silver balls

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Poonam Aggarwal
Poonam Aggarwal   Jan-02-2018

Nice presentation.

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