Home / Recipes / cheese Stuffed onion pakora

Photo of cheese Stuffed onion pakora by Santosh Bangar at BetterButter

cheese Stuffed onion pakora

Santosh Bangar
10 minutes
Prep Time
8 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT cheese Stuffed onion pakora RECIPE

its taste is different but yummy

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kitty Parties
  • North Indian
  • Frying
  • Snacks
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Onion-2
  2. cheese-3 Tbls
  3. besan-2/3cup
  4. rice flour-2tbls
  5. Green chili-1
  6. coriander leaves-
  7. red chilli powder -1/2tsp
  8. zeera -1/4tsp
  9. Salt to taste
  10. Oil for fry


  1. peel onion and cut into round shape if want to make ring then takeout 1-2lyers of onion in between
  2. take cheese in a bowl .mix green chilli and coriander leaves
  3. apply cheese mixture on onion ring . press with soft hand
  4. cover it with other ring of onion
  5. mix besan rice flour,salt ,zeera and red chilli in a bowl. add water. and whisk the paste for 3-4 minutes add coriander leaves
  6. heat oil in a pan
  7. dip the stuffed onion pakora in besan batter and deep fry in hot oil
  8. crispy onion pakora is ready to eat

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Tripti Bhatia
Tripti Bhatia   Jul-06-2017

Mind Blowing!

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