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Bakar khani roti, is a thick, spiced flat-bread. Bakarkhani is almost biscuit-like in texture, with a hard crust. Bakarkhani is basically a spiced, thick flat-bread popular in Bangladesh. Bakarkhani has almost biscuit-like texture, with a hard crust. Bakarkhani is basically a part of the Bangladeshi cuisine, but is also made greatly in Kashmir as well. The main ingredients of Bakarkhani are flour, yeast, raisins, sugar, rose water, sesame seeds, salt and milk. The rose water gives it a very aromatic essence. All the ingredients of Bakarkhani are kneaded together and flattened. The dough of the bread is constantly stretched and baked till perfection. Kashmiri Bakarkhani is quite a special bread in the Kashmiri Cuisine. It looks similar to a naan, but is crispier and layered with sesame seeds. Bakarkhani can be enjoyed with a wide variety of curries.
Preheat oven to 220 degree c. Mix dry yeast with some water and leave for 5 mins.
Add the flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl.
Add the raisins , a few drop of rose water, sugar and activated yeast.
Gradually add milk and knead the dough
Cover and leave for 30 mins.Roll out the dough into flat disks.
Sprinkle sesame seedsBake for 10-15 mins.
Bakarkhani sounds amazing with its delicious flavor fnaf and crunchy texture, it will be a perfect dish to enjoy with curries!
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Bakarkhani is a very delicious dish. Ritu Sharma is a very nice cook. Better butter is a wonderful forum regarding cooking. You can get assignment help perth help to solve your issue easily Bakarkhani can also be used with Tea. I have used this Bakar Khani before reading this post.
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