Home / Recipes / KitKat (Chocolate over load) Cake

Photo of KitKat (Chocolate over load) Cake by Rachana Bhatia at BetterButter

KitKat (Chocolate over load) Cake

Rachana Bhatia
50 minutes
Prep Time
40 minutes
Cook Time
10 People
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ABOUT KitKat (Chocolate over load) Cake RECIPE

This cake is very close to my heart as I had made this for my friend's son Jey's 1st birthday. As it was for kids, my friend insisted me on a cake full of chocolate. And, yes two little cars are for the birthday boy who likes cars very much.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Kids Birthday
  • Baking
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 10

  1. For cake base:
  2. 1 cup all purpose flour
  3. 1 cup cocoa powder
  4. 1.5 cup powdered sugar
  5. 1 cup fresh cream (homemade malai)
  6. 1/4 tsp baking soda
  7. 1 tsp Baking powder
  8. 90% of 1 cup milk powder
  9. 1.5 cup milk
  10. 1 tsp vanilla essence
  11. For decoration:
  12. 1/4 cup white chocolate
  13. Few drops blue gel color
  14. Few drops of vanilla Essence
  15. 55 to 60 sticks of KitKat (approx)
  16. 20 packs of gems
  17. 4 crushed oreos
  18. Whipping cream 2 cups
  19. 1/2 cup water
  20. 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  21. Few drops vanilla essence


  1. Sieve flour, milk powder, baking powder, soda and cocoa powder.
  2. Add cream and sugar, beat till creamy.
  3. Fold in flour alternatively with milk.
  4. Add essence and beat again.
  5. Pre heat oven at 180 ° and pour batter into greased and dusted 6" pan and bake for 35-40 mins or until tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
  6. Remove cake sponge from mould when cooled and keep in refrigerator for at least 5-6 hrs or over night.
  7. Whip the cream till you get soft peaks and add few drops of vanilla essence to it and keep in refrigerator till you do other preparations.
  8. Melt the white chocolate in microwave or using double boiler method, add few drops of blue color and mix properly, pour in alphabet mould and number mould, tap gently to remove any air bubbles and keep in freezer for 5-10 minutes or until set. Remove when done.
  9. Prepare sugar syrup using water, sugar and vanilla essence and mix well.
  10. Cut the sponge horizontally into three parts.
  11. Start assembling the cake. First keep one layer of sponge, then sprinkle some sugar syrup and then apply whipped cream to it. Repeat this step for all the three layers.
  12. Cover the sides of cake with whipped cream and smooth out from both top and sides.
  13. Now start sticking KitKat on edges of cake very close to each other and maintaining circle.
  14. On top, sprinkle crushed oreos in the middle to make it look like road. (one can also use black icing or black fondant but I preferred this).
  15. Arrange number 1 milk chocolate and gems very close to each other in remaining place. Also put name letter vertically and finally finish it with small car on oreos.

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