Home / Recipes / Bangali Rasgulla With Coconut And Fruit Topping

Photo of Bangali Rasgulla With Coconut And Fruit Topping by Parul Jain at BetterButter

Bangali Rasgulla With Coconut And Fruit Topping

Parul Jain
20 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Bangali Rasgulla With Coconut And Fruit Topping RECIPE

It looks v. Beautiful . we can use leftover rasgulle to make this inovative dish

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kitty Parties
  • Kids Recipes
  • Fusion
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 4 market made bangali rasgulle
  2. coconut powder
  3. Food color as your choice
  4. Fruits as your choice like apple, pineapple, grapes, pomegranate seeds, cherry etc. I use only apple and pomegranate seeds.


  1. Take rasgulle and do flat with the help of your palm.
  2. Color the coconut powder with food color as your choice. I use orange and green food color
  3. Cut fruits finely.
  4. Decorate the rasgulle vd colored coconut powder and fruits according to pic or as your choice.
  5. Your yummy innovative sweet is ready to eat Serve it chilled.

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BetterButter Editorial
BetterButter Editorial   Sep-19-2016

Hi Parul, Please do not share hashtags in the recipe name, only mention the recipe name and share the hashtags in the description Box. Kindly make the changes in all the recipes.

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