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Photo of Freedom Pudding by Liya Elizabeth Kurian at BetterButter

Freedom Pudding

Liya Elizabeth Kurian
10 minutes
Prep Time
45 minutes
Cook Time
25 People
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ABOUT Freedom Pudding RECIPE

Delicious carrot halwa with snowwhite pudding

Recipe Tags

  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Healthy
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 25

  1. Milk-1-l
  2. Condensed milk-1-tin
  3. Chinagrass-10-gm
  4. Eggwhites-6-nos
  5. Avocado-1-no
  6. Kiwi-1-no
  7. Carrot-500-gm
  8. Milk-500-ml
  9. Sugar-250-gm


  1. Add the chinagrass to some hot water and melt.
  2. Take a double boiler and add 1 litre of milk
  3. Next add condensed milk.
  4. Next add the melted chinagrass to the milk mixture and put it on flame.
  5. Boil everything together and stir occasionally. Put the mixture on heat until the the chinagrass is melted and the mixture is thick.
  6. Take the eggwhites in a bowl and beat until firm.
  7. Next fold in the milk mixture to the eggs very carefully.
  8. Blend together 1 kiwi and 1 avocado. Take some of the pudding and add the blended green mixture.
  9. Now to our third layer. Add carrots, milk and sugar to a pan. Heat it till all the liquid is gone.
  10. Last step is to layer the pudding. First add the avocado and kiwi pudding. Next add our vanilla pudding and lastly put the carrot halwa on top. Now enjoy eating my Freedom Pudding.

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