Home / Recipes / Spicy Mussel fry

Photo of Spicy Mussel fry by Baby SiMr at BetterButter

Spicy Mussel fry

Baby SiMr
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
3 People
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ABOUT Spicy Mussel fry RECIPE

spicy fry for rice chapatis as well as snack for tea

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Easy
  • Kids Recipes
  • Main Dish

Ingredients Serving: 3

  1. mussel-1/2kg
  2. redchilli powder-2tbsp
  3. pepper powder-2rsp
  4. turmeric powder-1tsp
  5. gingergarlic paste-1tsp
  6. lemonjuice-1tsp
  7. salt
  8. hot chilli paste(4 dried chilli+ 1tsp fennel seeds+4 garlic cloves soaked in water and grind to smooth paste)
  9. coconut oil


  1. wash and clean the mussels and drain well
  2. in a bowl add all the spices and salt
  3. marinate the mussel with the mixed spices for about 15mins
  4. in a pan add enough oil and deep fry the mussels
  5. spicy mussel fry is ready

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