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Photo of Tomato soup with garlic Bread by Preetika Verma at BetterButter

Tomato soup with garlic Bread

Preetika Verma
10 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Tomato soup with garlic Bread RECIPE

Tomato soup is a soup made with tomatoes as the primary ingredient. It may be served hot or cold in a bowl, and may be made in a variety of ways. It may be smooth in texture, and there are also recipes which include chunks (or small pieces) of tomato, cream and chicken/vegetable stock .Popular toppings for tomato soup include cream or  croutonsTomato soup is one of the top comfort foods in Poland and the United States. It can be made fresh by blanching tomatoes, removing the skins, then blending into a puree.

Recipe Tags

  • Tossing
  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Roasting
  • Blending
  • Boiling
  • Soups
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Tomato 4 big
  2. onion 1 medium
  3. Carrot 1
  4. Bay leaf 1
  5. Peppercorns 4-5
  6. ginger 1 tsp
  7. Garlic 1tsp
  8. Butter 2 tbsp
  9. Salt to taste
  10. Sugar 1 tsp
  11. Red chilli powder 1 tsp
  12. Tomato ketchup 1 tsp
  13. Bread slices cut inti half 4
  14. Butter 4 tbsp
  15. Chopped garlic 1 tsp


  1. In a pan, add butter and let it melt also add 2 ~3 drops of oil
  2. Then add bay leaf, peppercorns and saute for a min
  3. Add sliced onions, and saute for 2 min
  4. Then add carrots and saute for a min
  5. Lastly add tomatos and 1 cup water
  6. Let it be cook till tomatos soften
  7. Cool it down for 10 min
  8. Blend the tomatos to smooth paste
  9. Strain the mixture in a bowl
  10. Add this puree into a kadai and cook for another 10 min
  11. While cooking add, salt, red chilli powder, sugar, and ketchup
  12. Stir it well and cook
  13. On other side heat the non stick tawa on low flame
  14. Take butter in a bowl and add chopped garlic mix it well
  15. Cut the bread slices and apply butter on one side
  16. Roast the bread from both side till crisp on low flame
  17. Serve hot soup with garlic bread

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Mani Kaur
Mani Kaur   Oct-29-2018


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