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Photo of Regular Italian pasta by Bansi Raiyarela at BetterButter

Regular Italian pasta

Bansi Raiyarela
30 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Regular Italian pasta RECIPE

It takes 30 minutes to be done..it have reguler theme so this pasta is all time favorite food and also it's no needed more ingredients to make.

Recipe Tags

  • Easy
  • Kitty Parties
  • Gujarat
  • Baking
  • Frying
  • Side Dishes
  • Low Cholestrol

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Reguler pasta 200 gram
  2. 4 medium size onion
  3. 2 packet of meggie masala
  4. Tomato catch-up 50 g.
  5. Salt per teast
  6. Chilli powder 1/2 ts
  7. Oil for fry 4 ts


  1. First of all you need to back the pasta so take a pan in a gass in high flem and add 8 to 9 glass of water then add your pasta (any type of pasta you like) then add pinch of salt to back then leave it for 15 to 18 minutes to back you need to chek it in some time so that can not be over Cook or get burn then after particular time you need to check is this cook or not you can use spoon to chek it if is ready then turn of the gass then add 1 glass of cold water it can helps your pasta to never be sticky then leave it for 5 to 7 minutes then you have to remove all water from pasta then your pasta is backed.
  2. Stem 2 is to make salad for your pasta first cut all 4 big onion into small pieces and add 1/2 chilly power and salt as per teast and also add 1 paket of Maggie masala into onion then mix it and leave it for a 5 min
  3. Next stem is frying your pasta you can see that your pasta never be sticky because of cold water so it is nice to look now flem on the gass and put a pan into flem add 4 t.s oil (you can use any kind of oil you are using for cook) now low the flem to low to medium when the oil get hot low the flem then add your pasta in once now first mix the pasta with oil otherwise it will be stick in pan then add 1 maggie masala packet and add 50 g. Tomato catch-up and mix it then make the flem low to medium and mix it for 2 minutes now add salad of onion and mix it well then cook for 3 minutes and its ready to surv take a plate add pasta and garnish with tomato catchup. (You can also use coriander leaf or cheese butter for garnishment but its as per your choice and its optional). THANK YOU.

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Vishal Mehta
Vishal Mehta   Sep-15-2018

Delicious food

karshan delvadiya
karshan delvadiya   Sep-15-2018

nice food

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