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Photo of Qimami sewaie by Musfirah's Recipes at BetterButter

Qimami sewaie

Musfirah's Recipes
15 minutes
Prep Time
45 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Qimami sewaie RECIPE

This recipe is made in Northern parts of India during Eid and other festivals. And it's so yammy and rich in flavour .

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Eid
  • Awadhi
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 1 cup  siwaie (Vermicelli) (Fine Banarsi Siwaie)
  2. 2.5 to 3 cup sugar
  3. 1 Cup Mawa
  4. 1 cup makhana (Lotus Seeds)
  5. 1/2 cup mixed dry fruits , (almonds, cashews)
  6. 1/2 cup grated Coconut
  7. 2.5 to 3 cup water
  8. 4-5 cardamom
  9. 3-5 cloves
  10. ghee


  1. Heat 1 tblspn ghee in large pan and temper with 1-2 cloves and 2-3 green cardamom.
  2. Now add vermicelli in pan and roast it till light golden brown and keep aside.
  3. Now in same pan add 1-2 tblspn ghee , Then add chopped dry fruits, coconut and talmakhana and roast till nice aroma comes and grind them coarsely..
  4. To make sugar syrup add 2 tblspn ghee, now add remaining cardamom and cloves. Add sugar and water Boil it on medium heat till 2 string sugar syrup prepare.
  5. Now add mawa , coarsely grounded dry fruits and stir.
  6. Now add the roasted vermicelli and mix well and cook on slow heat for 5-10 minutes. Vermicelli is ready to be serve .

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Neema Bhardwaj
Neema Bhardwaj   Aug-23-2018

Nice one.

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