Home / Recipes / Buttery salted caramel pop corn.

Photo of Buttery salted caramel pop corn. by Leena Taneja at BetterButter

Buttery salted caramel pop corn.

Leena Taneja
10 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Buttery salted caramel pop corn. RECIPE

Kids favourite,Movie time Essential

Recipe Tags

  • Tossing
  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kids Recipes
  • Pressure Cook
  • Whisking
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 50 gm Raw Corn kernels
  2. 1 cup sugar
  3. 50 gm butter
  4. 1 tsp vannila
  5. 2 tsp black salt
  6. 1/4 cup heavy cream


  1. In a pan heat sugar and cook till it dissolve and turns lgolden then add heavy cream and whisk continuosly ,Be carefull it bubbles up then add butter and whisk continous ,Switch off gas and continue whisk till mixture starts thicken up then add salt and transfer it into bowl and let it cool.
  2. Heat pressure cooker add 2 tsp butter and salt then add corn kernels and mix well and put the lid on by removing whistle and cook it on medium flame for 5 min till all corns puff out then turn off gas and remove popcorn in a bowl..
  3. Drizzle caramel sauce over pop corn and some salt as per taste..enjoy

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Aachal Jadeja
Aachal Jadeja   Aug-10-2018

Neema Bhardwaj
Neema Bhardwaj   Aug-10-2018

Nice one.

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