Home / Recipes / Halawet El Jibn ( Sweet Cheese roll )

Photo of Halawet El Jibn ( Sweet Cheese roll ) by Swathi Joshnaa Sathish at BetterButter

Halawet El Jibn ( Sweet Cheese roll )

Swathi Joshnaa Sathish
20 minutes
Prep Time
7 minutes
Cook Time
10 People
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ABOUT Halawet El Jibn ( Sweet Cheese roll ) RECIPE

Halawet el jibin is a Syrian delicacy which is popular through out the Middle Eastern countries . These sweet cheese rolls includes semolina , cheese , sugar and water . They are finally topped with powdered pistachios . Absolutely Delectable Ramadan special dish .

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Eid
  • Middle Eastern
  • Simmering
  • Boiling
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 10

  1. Fine Sooji ( thin ) 1 cup equals 100 ml
  2. Mozzarella cheese 1.5 cup
  3. Whole milk 1/4 cup
  4. water 1/4 cup
  5. Sugar 4 teaspoons
  6. Rose water 1 tablespoon
  7. For sugar syrup
  8. Sugar 1.5 cup
  9. Water 1 cup
  10. Cardamom 3
  11. Lime juice 2 teaspoons
  12. Other Ingredients :
  13. Powdered pistachios 1/2 cup
  14. Whipping cream 1 .5 cup


  1. Firstly prepare sugar syrup with sugar , water , cardamom . A sticky consistency will do . Switch off and squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice . Keep it aside .
  2. Heat a wide sauce pan.
  3. Add water . Then milk .
  4. Add sugar when milk starts boiling .
  5. Add rose water .
  6. Let the sugar dissolve completely . Add the mozzarella cheese .
  7. Stir till the cheese melts completely .
  8. Add semolina gradually while mixing to ensure there are no lumps formed .
  9. Keep stirring til you see a cheesy dough .
  10. Stir until a single mass dough that rolls over the spatula is achieved .
  11. Switch off . Allow the dough to cool .
  12. Transfer the lukewarm dough to a parchment sheet that is spread on the kitchen counter .
  13. Sprinkle Luke warm sugar syrup on the parchment sheet .
  14. Knead the dough on the sugar syrup sprinkled sheet .
  15. The dough becomes nonsticky and smooth , as you sprinkle sugar syrup gradually on the dough , while kneading the other hand .
  16. Divide the dough into two equal portions .
  17. Take one portion to the parchment sheet while the other is kept aside .
  18. Place another parchment sheet on top of the dough.
  19. Roll the dough using rolling pin . You have used a parchment sheet and roll on the sheet not directly on the dough . This step is mandatory .
  20. Roll the dough to a thin sheet .
  21. Trim the edges and form a square like sheets . Don’t discard the trimmed portions . They taste yum and they are edible .
  22. Take one spoon whipping cream . I prepared homemade whipping cream using Dream whip powder .
  23. Add little milk to one sachet of dream whip powder . Use a hand mixer or a normal wire whisker to whip the cream to stiff consistency . Manually it takes 5 minutes .
  24. Whipping cream is ready .
  25. Now take a spoonful whipping cream and place on one side of the square dough sheet .
  26. Roll the sheet very gently . First roll the side where the cream is applied .
  27. Roll , cover the cream . Roll twice .
  28. Place it on a tray . Similarly roll the other square sheets .
  29. Finally garnish with powdered pistachios .
  30. If preferred more sweetness , drizzle sugar syrup over the sweet cheese rolls .
  31. Delicious Halawet el Jibn is ready to serve .

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Shobana Thiruvakadu
Shobana Thiruvakadu   Jun-29-2018

Looks yummy..!! Will surely try this.. perfect dish

Arushi Singh
Arushi Singh   Jun-21-2018

nice presentation

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