Home / Recipes / Dry Fruit Gooseberry Jam

Photo of Dry Fruit Gooseberry Jam by Anjali Verma at BetterButter

Dry Fruit Gooseberry Jam

Anjali Verma
10 minutes
Prep Time
60 minutes
Cook Time
5 People
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ABOUT Dry Fruit Gooseberry Jam RECIPE

Its very healthy and tangy jam . Which can be enjoyed guilt free.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Everyday
  • Indian
  • Roasting
  • Boiling
  • Condiments
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 5

  1. Gooseberry 250 grams
  2. Sugar 150 grams
  3. Roasted cumin powder 1 teaspoon
  4. salt and red chilly flakes according to taste
  5. Water 1 cup
  6. Finely chopped walnut 1/2 tablespoon
  7. Finely chopped cashewnuts 1/2 tablespoon
  8. Finely chopped almonds 1/3 tablespoon
  9. Melon seeds 1/4 tablespoon
  10. Dessicated coconut slices 1/4 tablespoon
  11. Chopped dried figs 1 teaspoon


  1. First boil gooseberry in water until it softens . Later on drain its water and deseed it .
  2. Now In preheated heavy bottomed pan add gooseberry slices and sugar . Add all spices also . Keep on stirring at low flame.
  3. It will take nearly 40-45 minutes on low flame to thicken. Cook according to desired consistency.
  4. Add all dry fruits and mix again nicely.
  5. Now let it cool completely and store it in sterilized Mason jar.
  6. Now jam is ready to relish with hot chapati or use as bread spread..

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Shelly Sharma
Shelly Sharma   May-13-2018

I will surely try this.

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