Home / Recipes / Grilled watermelon mint julep

Photo of Grilled watermelon mint julep by Kanwaljeet Chhabra at BetterButter

Grilled watermelon mint julep

Kanwaljeet Chhabra
10 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Grilled watermelon mint julep RECIPE

Grilled watermelon mint julep is very delicious drink . it is a drink with smoky flavour of watermelon . i got this recipe from blog a cozy kitchen .

Recipe Tags

  • Medium
  • Kitty Parties
  • Fusion
  • Grilling
  • Accompaniment
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 1 small watermelon
  2. white granulated sugar according to your taste
  3. 1/4 cup mint leaves
  4. about half cup water
  5. Ice cubes
  6. Lemon juice 2 tsp


  1. First in a small pan ,add water mint and sugar . cook on medium heat for about 10 minutes .
  2. Turn off the gas and keep it aside for about 30 minutes .
  3. then strain , discarding the mint leaves and transfer into a small bowl . mint syrup is ready.
  4. Now cut watermelon into small pieces and remove the seeds .
  5. Take a cookies tray and put water melon pieces on it. preheat the oven and put tray inside the oven for about 15 minutes on 180 degree. grill until water melon reaches dark red color .
  6. Transfer grilled watermelon pieces into food processer and puree it . now add mint syrup and lemon juice and mix well .
  7. Pour this into indivisual glasses add ice cubes . garnish with mint leaves . grilled watermelon julep is ready to serve .

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