Home / Recipes / Grapes chutney

Photo of Grapes chutney by Geeta Virmani at BetterButter

Grapes chutney

Geeta Virmani
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
6 People
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ABOUT Grapes chutney RECIPE

Grapes chutney...made with sweet or sour grapes...goes best with parathas or poories...can be used as bread spread also...make thick if using as bread spread

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Stir fry
  • Accompaniment
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 6

  1. Grapes...green...500 gramms
  2. Oil...1 tea spoon
  3. Sugar or grated jaggery...2 table spoons or to taste
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Red chilly powder ...1/4 tea spoon
  6. Black pepper powder to taste (optional)


  1. Wash and chop the grapes into half
  2. Heat a woke , add oil and put chopped grapes and let it fry for one or two minutes
  3. Cover it and let it cook for one or two minutes
  4. Now add salt, red chilly powder and sugar or jaggery and let it cook till the required consistency
  5. When the required consistency is achieved, switch off the gas and add black pepper powder (if using). And add raisins. Keep it covered for 5 more minutes
  6. Enjoy
  7. Store in a glass container in refrigerator

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Maithili Iyer
Maithili Iyer   May-03-2018

I will surely try this.

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