Home / Recipes / Nutella filled Croissants

Photo of Nutella filled Croissants by Paromita Nath at BetterButter

Nutella filled Croissants

Paromita Nath
720 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
10 People
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ABOUT Nutella filled Croissants RECIPE

My daughter always wanted me to bake Croissants, but I delayed it because I hated the folding and chilling method, but came across this less hassle recipe in Biggerbolderbaking.com, a little change from end, rest I followed it completely.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Others
  • American
  • Baking
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 10

  1. 1 cup warm milk
  2. 2 + 3/4 cup flour
  3. 1 tsp Salt
  4. 250 gm chilled butter
  5. 4 tbsp sugar
  6. 4 tsp dry instant yeast
  7. nutella or chocochip for filling
  8. 1 egg yolk beaten with 1 tbsp milk or just milk without egg yolk for glaze


  1. In a Large bowl ,add the flour,on one end add the salt , sugar ,on the otger end add the yeast,mix it with a wooden spoon. The butter should frozen so that you can grate it properly on the flour mix, grate it super fast.
  2. Next warm your milk, warm means that you can dip your finger in it. Mix all together with a spoon. Dust your work platform with some flour and put the mix on it, it will be crumbling in the beginning but later would be sticky.
  3. Do not mix too much for we want to keep the butters intact as much as possible. Gather all to make a square dough, wrap it a cling film, and let it settle in fridge for 90 minutes maximum. After around 90 minutes, take your dough out.
  4. Next dust your work platform with flour, place the dough on it, put some more flour on the dough so that your rolling pin does not stick, roll your dough, give it a rectangular shape, roll it till it becomes smooth.
  5. If you feel it is not chilled enough and you are having resistance in rolling, keep it in the fridge for another 20 minutes and start the rolling again. This process you got to do, after rolling into rectangular shape, fold from both sides like a book.
  6. Then flip it over, roll a little and fold again like book, this time from the length end, flip and repeat again, do this two more times. Now cover it with double cling film and chill overnight.
  7. Next day take it out, dust your platform and little on the dough, now start rolling the dough to a rectangular shape, where the length is twice the breadth, keeping the thickness to 4 mm. Now cut the dough to 8 cm breadth and 30 cm length.
  8. Keeping the measurement same cut it into triangle, slit a little at the base of the triangle, put nutella just above the slits, you can also add chocochip, now roll it from the slit base of the triangle slowly press the tapered end.
  9. Keep the croissants over a baking paper on a tray, facing the triangle tip in downwards position. As you are finished with all, lightly cover the tray with cling film and keep it in a warm place for two to three hours(Must do this step).
  10. After two hours give them an egg wash or just a milk wash. Pre-heat oven to 230 degree centigrade, bake for 10 minutes, then reduce to 190 degree centigrade and bake for another 5 more minutes, try to keep the tray in the middle slot, for the last 5 minutes put it in the top rack.
  11. All done now , you can enjoy your homemade croissants from scratch. Eat and serve with love. If you love it do keep a small note of appreciation.

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