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Photo of Burger without Bun... by Brishtis kitchen at BetterButter

Burger without Bun...

Brishtis kitchen
45 minutes
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Burger without Bun... RECIPE

Anything for kids.They love maggi,they love burger...so why don't we try it at home??

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Medium
  • Others
  • Indian
  • Shallow fry
  • Snacks
  • Gluten Free

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Maggi noodles...2packet
  2. Maggi tastemaker...2packet
  3. Egg...2
  4. Salt
  5. Chicken mince...100gm
  6. Chopped Onion...1
  7. Ginger paste....1tspn
  8. Green chilli_garlic paste...1tspn
  9. Red chilli powder...1tspn
  10. Turmeric powder...1/2tspn
  11. Cumin powder....1tspn
  12. Garam masala powder...1/2tspn
  13. Cornflour...1tspn
  14. Chopped cucumber...1
  15. Chopped tomato....1
  16. Tomato sauce+funfood Mayonnaise...2tspn(if needed add more)
  17. Cheese
  18. Oregano...1tspn
  19. Chilli flakes...1tspn


  1. Boil maggi first with maggi tastemaker.
  2. Beat 2 eggs with salt & turmeric powder.
  3. Add maggi with egg mixture.
  4. Now take 2 bowl & put maggi mixture in it.Slightly press it & keep it in fridge for 15 mins for set.
  5. Now take a bowl, add boiled chicken mince, chopped onion,cornflour,coriander leaves & all spices.
  6. Make a shape of patty & shallow fry it from both sides.
  7. Add cheese on it & let it melt.
  8. Take out the bowl from fridge ,transfer the maggi mixture on hot pan & shallow fry it with a tspn of oil.
  9. Flip & fry the both sides.
  10. For assembling, add tomato-mayonnaise on the top of maggi bun
  11. Add tomato slices,cucumber & chicken patty with cheese.
  12. Sprinkle oregano & chilli flakes.
  13. Cover it with another maggi bun & serve it immediately.If you like add extra cheese on the top of it.

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Manju Gupta
Manju Gupta   Jan-29-2018

Interesting idea.

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