Home / Recipes / Cucumber Cooler

Photo of Cucumber Cooler by Varsha Singh at BetterButter

Cucumber Cooler

Varsha Singh
5 minutes
Prep Time
2 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Cucumber Cooler RECIPE

I have never ever thought that a simple blended cucumber can taste this special. Yes it taste wonderful that too without adding any fizzy ingredient. I partcularly love the pleasant colour of this cooler, it is so cooling and refreshing and eye soothing. The one thing you should do is have this drink very cold, that what makes it. So next time when you have a cucumber salad or something like that, think again..

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Fusion
  • Blending
  • Breakfast and Brunch
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Cucumber – 2 medium size
  2. Mint Leaves –handful
  3. Sugar – 2tbsp or as required
  4. Salt – as required
  5. Lemon juice – 2 tsp
  6. Water – as required
  7. Icecubes – 8-10


  1. Take a cucumber and peel them up. Deseed and chop them into cubes.
  2. Add this to blender along with mint leaves, sugar, salt. Add some water and puree them.
  3. Now strain this mixture through a fine strainer and fill a glass with icecubes and pour the cooler over it.
  4. Garnish with some mint leaves, cucumber slice and serve chilled.

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Ashima Singh
Ashima Singh   Aug-03-2017

Perfect drink...

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