Home / Recipes / Peanut Rice Stuffed Innovative Mango Sushi Roll.

Photo of Peanut Rice Stuffed Innovative Mango Sushi Roll. by Manisha Shukla at BetterButter

Peanut Rice Stuffed Innovative Mango Sushi Roll.

Manisha Shukla
20 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Peanut Rice Stuffed Innovative Mango Sushi Roll. RECIPE

Sticky Rice is used in Sushi preparation. Here Instead of using Rice in making of Sushi, I have Stuffed Rice in Mango Sushi cups. To make our normal Rice sticky I have added ground Roasted Peanuts in combination with Rice.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Medium
  • Festive
  • Fusion
  • Sauteeing
  • Dessert
  • Egg Free

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. Ripe Mango 1 ( 300 grms)
  2. Amul cream 1 pack.
  3. Milk 1/4 cup
  4. Paneer 100 grms
  5. Yellow food colour a pinch.
  6. Clarified butter / unsalted butter 2 tbsp + 1 tsp
  7. Corn flour 2 tbsp
  8. Milk 2 tbsp to add in corn flour.
  9. Sugar 4 tsp + 2 tsp extra if needed.
  10. Cinnamon powder 1/2 tsp
  11. For stuffing
  12. Rice cooked soft 1/2 cup
  13. Peanuts roasted 1/2 cup
  14. Sesame seeds roasted 2 tbsp
  15. Powdered Sugar 3 tbsp + 1 tbsp
  16. Cardemom powder 1 tsp
  17. Ghee 2 tsp
  18. Dates chopped 1 ( long stripes)


  1. Heat a pan. Add 2 tsp clarified butter. Pour cream in the pan and cook on low to medium flame.
  2. Add food colour in milk and add to creme.
  3. Stir constantly so it will not burn You also can saute the mixture on a thick griddle. . Here is a video of the process on griddle.
  4. After adding milk with colour add mango pulp.
  5. Either you cook on griddle or in a pan you need to stir continuously.
  6. Add 3 tsp sugar.( optional, depends upon the sweetness of your mango) Taste and adjust sweetness. It should not be very sweet.
  7. Crumble Paneer and add to the mixture.
  8. Cook for 2 minutes. Now mix corn flour with milk and add to the pan mixture.
  9. Cook till mixture thickens. Turn off the flame. Add Cinnamon powder.
  10. Let the mixture cool. It should be in a form of a dough.
  11. Keep covered not to dry.
  12. To prepare Stuffing.
  13. Peel rosted Peanuts and coarse gring.
  14. Add powdered Sugar and Cardemom powder.
  15. Coarse grind Roasted Sesame seeds.
  16. Add Sesame seeds powder to the peanut mixture. Check the Sweetness.
  17. It should be little sweet as we are going to add Rice in it.
  18. Mash the soft cooked rice using your fingers a little. Add peanut mixture to it.
  19. Add 2 tsp ghee. Your Stuffing is ready.
  20. To prepare Sushi.
  21. Grease your palm with clarified butter. Take a big ball of mango dough.
  22. Make a Cylindrical shape from the ball. Make a hole in center using your finger tips.
  23. Spread with help of a spoon.
  24. Fill your prepared Sushi Roll with the stuffing.
  25. Prepare rest of your Sushi Rolls like that.
  26. Cool in refrigerator for a while and enjoy your Totally Innovative Sweet Sushi Rolls.
  27. You can Garnish with few pieces of chopped Dates.

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Tanushree Goel
Tanushree Goel   Jul-28-2017

very innovative!

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