Home / Recipes / Saunfiana Hung Curd Pops

Photo of Saunfiana Hung Curd Pops by Anjali Verma at BetterButter

Saunfiana Hung Curd Pops

Anjali Verma
5 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
5 People
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ABOUT Saunfiana Hung Curd Pops RECIPE

It's very yummy & healthy dish. Full of calcium & proteins. Very easy way to feed the kids. Use of fennel seeds in dish make it really delectable.

Recipe Tags

  • Egg-free
  • Easy
  • Kitty Parties
  • Tiffin Recipes
  • Mughlai
  • Frying
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 5

  1. Fennel seeds powder 1 teaspoon
  2. Hung curd 1 cup
  3. Cottage cheese 1/2 cup
  4. Corn meal 2 teaspoon
  5. Roasted Chana Dal powder 2 tablespoon
  6. Chopped Green chilies 1/2 teaspoon
  7. Salt 1 teaspoon
  8. Chopped garlic 1/2 teaspoon
  9. Chopped mint leaves 2 tablespoon
  10. Chopped Coriander leaves 2 tablespoon
  11. Sugar 1 pinch
  12. Ghee 1 tablespoon
  13. Oil for frying


  1. Combine curd, paneer, chillies, garlic, sugar, salt, fennel seeds powder, mint leaves & coriander leaves. Mix it well.
  2. Now heat ghee in a pan. Add corn meal and channa dal powder.
  3. Now add curd mixture in pan.
  4. Mix the mixture well. Keep roasting till mixture becomes thicken & starts to leave the sides of pan.
  5. Keep aside it to cool completely.
  6. Now divide mixture in equal portions & give shape of pop by sticking it on sticks.
  7. Deep fry pops in slow flame till golden brown in colour.
  8. Now serve it hot with sauce or any chutney of your choice.
  9. Yummy , healthy and guilt free snacks are ready to enjoy.

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