Home / Recipes / Kit kat choco freaky shake

Photo of Kit kat choco freaky shake by Zarina Pradhan at BetterButter

Kit kat choco freaky shake

Zarina Pradhan
25 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
1 People
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ABOUT Kit kat choco freaky shake RECIPE

Why go to a restaurant when you can make this freaky shake at home.. why spend more money..

Recipe Tags

  • Party
  • Easy
  • Fusion
  • Blending
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 1

  1. 1 glass milk
  2. 2 packet kitkat
  3. 1 pkt hershey syrup
  4. vanilla icecream or chocolate icecream 4 scoops
  5. whipped cream for decoration and nutties
  6. kitkat and wafer biscuit for decoration


  1. Boil milk. Take a bowl add hot milk and add the kitkat in hot milk let ut rest for 2 minutes. Now blend it with 2 scoops vanilla icecream. Strain the mixture. Take any tall glass or mason jar .
  2. Take melted chocolate coat the rim of the glass now add nutties, gems to it. Now add hersheys syrup in the glass and decorate it. Take icecubes and then add kitkat shake then add 2 scoops of vanilla icecream and then add whipped cream and then decorate it whatever chocolate,biscuits you need. Serve chilled. Enjoy your freaky shake loaded withe chocolates..

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