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Photo of Chocolates for my kids by Neha Sharma at BetterButter

Chocolates for my kids

Neha Sharma
10 minutes
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Chocolates for my kids RECIPE

Easy and yummy.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Kids Recipes
  • Simmering
  • Microwaving
  • Dessert

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Chocolate slab, dark 1/2 cup
  2. Chocolate slab, milk 1/2 cup
  3. Butter 1 tbsp
  4. Dry fruits chopped into pieces (As per choice)
  5. Sugar 2 tbsp


  1. Melt both the chocolates in the pan, add a little milk about 2 tsp till both of them get melted for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. Add butter to it.
  3. Beforehand caramelise the sugar, add chopped dry fruits and crush them roughly.
  4. Set the chocolates in the moulds. Add dry fruits in it and refrigerate it for some time.
  5. Chocolate is ready.

Reviews (3)  

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Jennifer Pauli
Jennifer Pauli   Oct-25-2021

A very good recipe. My children really love hummus. They need to eat well so that they have enough energy to study. Whether you want a website that will write an essay for a website that will do more, you have a lot of options available to you. Here on Ultius review are a few things that you may prefer to take into account when you decide if it's the site that will compose an essay for you is something you may want or need.

Daniel Terner
Daniel Terner   Oct-25-2021

A very good recipe. My children really love hummus. They need to eat well so that they have enough energy to study. Whether you want a website that will write an essay for a website that will do more, you have a lot of options available to you. Here on Ultius review are a few things that you may prefer to take into account when you decide if it's the site that will compose an essay for you is something you may want or need.

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