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Photo of healthy coconut cookies by richa sharma at BetterButter

healthy coconut cookies

richa sharma
30 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT healthy coconut cookies RECIPE

kids constantly need snacks to much on and we can provide them with healthier alternative from market bought cookies

Recipe Tags

  • Kids Recipes
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. Dessicated coconut- 1- cup
  2. Atta / wheat flour- 1- cup
  3. Powdered sugar- 0- 1/2cup
  4. Coconut oil- 0- 1/2cup
  5. Milk- 3- tbsp
  6. Baking soda- 0- 1/4tsp
  7. Baking powder- 0- 1/2tsp


  1. Take the sugar and oil and whisk it
  2. then add baking powder and soda to atta to it. then sieve them together in your sugar and oil mix. now you should get a crumbly consistency
  3. add dessicated coconut to it.
  4. bring the whole mix together by adding milk and 1tsp of vanilla essence. the whole thing will come out as a soft dough.refrigrate it for 30mins
  5. pre heat you microwave at 180'C
  6. then make small balls out of ur dough line them on ur baking tray 2inches apart and bake them for 15mins at 180'C
  7. let them cool for a while as they will soft just after baking. Enjoy

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