Home / Recipes / Strawberry rasgulla with hersheys strawberry syrup.

Photo of Strawberry rasgulla with hersheys strawberry syrup. by Illa Kanungo at BetterButter

Strawberry rasgulla with hersheys strawberry syrup.

Illa Kanungo
15 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
5 People
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ABOUT Strawberry rasgulla with hersheys strawberry syrup. RECIPE

Rasgulla is a very popular sweet in all over India. A traditional sweet which original name is khira mohana. Rasgulla is rationally offered as prasad to Goddess Lakshmi at Jagannath Temple Puri. For me this is also a sweet as a symbol of love because as the tradition of Jagannath Temple Puri, Maa Lakshmi gets upset because Lord Jagannath goes on a 9 days sorjourn with out her consent. So she locks the temple gates and prevent his convey from re entering sanctum Santorum of the temple. To appease her Jagannath offers her rasgullas. This is the sweet and lovely tradition of Jagannath temple. I have tried to give the colour and flavour of love to this lovely sweet with our favourite hersheys strawberry syrup and believe me this is amazing. Thank you

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Festive
  • Orissa
  • Dessert
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 5

  1. 1 litre full cream milk
  2. 2 teaspoons vinegar
  3. 1 teaspoon semolina(suji)
  4. 1 cup sugar
  5. 1/3 cup+1 tablespoon hersheys strawberry syrup
  6. 3 cups water


  1. Boil the milk in a heavy bottom pan.once it's start boiling,add vinegar.
  2. Let the milk curdle. Remove from the gas and filter the chhena(cheese) in a muslin cloth.
  3. Rinse the chhena properly under running water.
  4. Knead chhena properly,add semolina, 1 tablespoon hersheys strawberry syrup and knead again to make a smooth dough.
  5. Make small size balls from this chhena dough.
  6. Add water and sugar to a wide pan and boil.
  7. Add the rest strawberry syrup into boiling sugar syrup.
  8. Add chhenna balls to the boiling syrup,cover the pan and cook for 15 minutes on medium flame.
  9. Turn off the heat and move rasgullas to a bowl and let it cool .
  10. Serve strawberry rasgullas.

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Reema Garg
Reema Garg   Oct-30-2018

Thanks for sharing this recipe.

Zissnu Zeet
Zissnu Zeet   Oct-29-2018

Rasogulla With Strawberry Flavour. Really Testy...

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