Home / Recipes / Crispy Vegetable paneer cheese nuggets

Photo of Crispy Vegetable paneer cheese nuggets by Tejaswi Yalamanchi at BetterButter

Crispy Vegetable paneer cheese nuggets

Tejaswi Yalamanchi
10 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Crispy Vegetable paneer cheese nuggets RECIPE

The recipe for this nuggets is very simple and is prepared with a combination of mashed potatoes,carrot,paneer ,cheese and coated with breadcrumbs. Then deep fried in oil.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Others
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Shallow fry
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. 2 Potatoes
  2. 2 green chillies
  3. 1 carrot
  4. salt as per taste
  5. Chilli powder 1 tbsp
  6. Maida 2 tbsp
  7. Cornflour 3 tbsp
  8. 1 cheese packet
  9. coriander powder 1 tsp
  10. Garam masala 1 tsp
  11. Gingergarlic paste 1 tbsp
  12. Breadcrumbs 1/4 cup
  13. 1 paneer packet


  1. Take two potatoes,one carrot and two green chillies
  2. Take coriander powder,gingergarlic paste and garam masala
  3. Take salt,chilli powder
  4. Take paneer packet
  5. Cut 15 cubes of paneer
  6. Add little water in a vessel and add paneer to it and cook for 2 minutes(paneer becomes soft)
  7. Mash the cooked paneer like below and keep a side
  8. Take potatoes into cooker add water and cook for 6 whistles
  9. After cooking peel the skin of potatoes
  10. Mash potatoes like paste
  11. I took 3 cheese slices placed one on another
  12. And made pieces like this(if you have a cube of cheese then cut into pieces directly)
  13. Add chopped carrot,green chillies,salt,garam masala,chilli powder,coriander powder and mix well
  14. To the mixture add maida and cornflour
  15. Add mashed paneer to the mixture
  16. Mix everything well and make them as balls
  17. Then take each ball flatten with fingers keep cheese in the middle
  18. Close them and make as nuggets
  19. Take a bowl add little water and add 1 tbsp cornflour
  20. And make it into a fine paste
  21. Take some bread crumbs in a plate
  22. Dip nuggets in the paste then roll them in the breadcrumbs
  23. Now nuggets are ready to fry
  24. Take a deep pan add oil to it and heat it then add nuggets to it
  25. Fry them till they turn into golden brown colour.Take them into a plate.Ready to serve.

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Payal Singh
Payal Singh   May-30-2018


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