Home / Recipes / Besan Ladoos/Sweetened Chickpea Flour Balls

Photo of Besan Ladoos/Sweetened Chickpea Flour Balls by Rashmi Behera at BetterButter

Besan Ladoos/Sweetened Chickpea Flour Balls

Rashmi Behera
10 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
9 People
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ABOUT Besan Ladoos/Sweetened Chickpea Flour Balls RECIPE

This is an easy peasy recipe which can easily be done in the microwave (All you need is 5-10 minutes to make about 15 ladoos).

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Festive
  • Microwaving
  • Basic recipe

Ingredients Serving: 9

  1. 1 Cup Besan/ Chickpea Flour
  2. 6 tbsp Ghee or clarified butter
  3. 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  4. 1 and 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
  5. 2 tbsp coarse dry fruit powder
  6. 15 Raisins
  7. A Microwave Safe Bowl


  1. In the bowl, add the chickpea flour and clarified butter. Mix it well and place it in a microwave for 2-3 minutes (Remove it after every minute, give it a stir and place it back). Each microwave setting is different hence make sure to check.
  2. Allow it to cool down, now add sugar, cardamom powder, dry fruit powder to it and mix well.
  3. When you try to take a small portion and place it on your palm, you will be able to feel the butter on your palms i.e. this will help to bind or hold.
  4. Place the mixture between your palms and give it a round shape. Place a raisin on each ladoo.
  5. The ladoos are ready to be served! You can store these for a good 15 days in an airtight container.

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