Home / Recipes / Moong sprout Sandwiches/rolls

Photo of Moong sprout Sandwiches/rolls by Sana Tungekar at BetterButter

Moong sprout Sandwiches/rolls

Sana Tungekar
20 minutes
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
4 People
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ABOUT Moong sprout Sandwiches/rolls RECIPE

Healthy Moong sprout sandwiches tangy with tomatoes, green chutney, spring onions a little cheese spread or mayo to bind the mixture and fill into breads of choice.

Recipe Tags

  • Veg
  • Easy
  • Everyday
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 4

  1. 150 gms Green moong sprouts
  2. 2 small spring onions
  3. 2 tomatoes
  4. 2 tblspoons cheese spread or Mayo optional veg or with eggs
  5. 1/2 cup coriander chutney optional
  6. To spice up use Chings Chilli sauce
  7. salt and pepper to taste
  8. 8 slices bread or rolls 4


  1. Blanch Green moong if you dont like raw i.e. run hot water and then cold water on sprouts and strain.
  2. Mix sprouts, tomato and onions chopped.
  3. Blend in the salt, pepper, mayo or cheese spread make a mix ready put in fridge fr abt 5min.
  4. Take bread slices apply green chutney or non fat butter as choice.
  5. Spread the mix on the bread well.
  6. Close with another slice into a Sandwich n place in an equity toaster .
  7. Serve hot with tomato Ketchup.

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Aarti Vedpathak
Aarti Vedpathak   Jul-18-2016

Asha Babu
Asha Babu   Jun-15-2016

Good very healthy

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