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Photo of Noodles pizza by Chandu Pugalia at BetterButter

Noodles pizza

Chandu Pugalia
10 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Noodles pizza RECIPE

Perfect snack for kids and also for elders.this pizza is little crunchy full of vegetables and very tasty .

Recipe Tags

  • Non-veg
  • Easy
  • Kids Recipes
  • Fusion
  • Pan fry
  • Snacks
  • Healthy

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. 3 cup boiled noodles
  2. 1 egg
  3. 3 tbsp cornflout
  4. 2 tsp Salt
  5. 1 tsp pepper
  6. 3 tsp mix herbs
  7. For topping---
  8. 1/2 chop mix bell peppers
  9. 4-5 cherry tomato cut in halves
  10. 1/2 cup chop onion
  11. 1/2 cup cheese
  12. Oregano
  13. Flakes
  14. Pparsley
  15. 3 tbsp Oil


  1. Take boiled noodles and mix salt and pepper
  2. Beat egg and mix in it
  3. Add cornflour and mix all of them with fork
  4. Add herbs
  5. Heat pan
  6. And add half noodles on it
  7. Spread evenly in thick layer
  8. Add oil and let them cook
  9. After3-4 min.it will become Crusty from downside
  10. Cover with a plate and flip pan
  11. Now again add flip side in pan and cook
  12. Spread pizza sauce upon it
  13. Add all veggies
  14. Add cheese ,oregano and flakes
  15. Cover for two min.
  16. Our noodles pizza is ready to serve
  17. Enjoy this crunchy veggie pizza

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Mani Kaur
Mani Kaur   Mar-13-2018


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