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Photo of Jackfruit rice by Nilu Rastogi at BetterButter

Jackfruit rice

Nilu Rastogi
20 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
2 People
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ABOUT Jackfruit rice RECIPE

I love jack fruits , so this is my way of making a yummy one pot meal with it and the rice.

Recipe Tags

  • Medium
  • Indian
  • Sauteeing
  • High Fibre

Ingredients Serving: 2

  1. 1 cup half boiled kathal [jackfruit]
  2. 1 cup left over rice
  3. 1tspn salt
  4. 1tspn black pepper
  5. 1tspn red chilli powder
  6. 1tspn garam masala
  7. 1/2 cup spring onion chopped
  8. 1 onion chopped


  1. Take a wok.
  2. Put ghee in it
  3. Add jeera.
  4. Now put chopped onion.
  5. Saute it.
  6. After it put boiled kathal in it.
  7. Fry it.
  8. After it put some water.
  9. Add salt , red chilli powder, garam masala, black pepper in it.
  10. After 1 boil put the rice in it.
  11. Cover it.
  12. Now after 5 mins put the spring onion on it.
  13. Mix it.
  14. Cover with the lid.
  15. After 5 mins biryani is ready to eat.

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sonam sahoo
sonam sahoo   Aug-22-2018

Thanks a lot, it's a good recipe

Shelly Sharma
Shelly Sharma   Feb-23-2018

Nice one.

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